Sunday, May 8, 2011

Acceptance of Our Wrong Doing to Life

I am an avid believer that this life is being lived by a way and means that was not intended.  Life was never meant to be lived this way.  People are NOT the amount of legal tender they carry, be it physical green paper, or electronic. People are not supposed to be valued by some _credit agency_ that bases some number valuing your trustworthiness on the money you were never meant to base your life on having in the first place.  So what? Your credit score is crap because some company that wants your money and nothing else decides that you didn't pay them enough or they didn't get enough out of you?  That's bullshit.  Complete utter bullshit.  I believe in a better life. One in which people still experience some sense of the word brotherhood.  One in which people still have love for their neighbor without first thinking of tangible gain.  One in which the word neighborhood means more than people living in the same area.
I am a firm believer that there is a better purpose for life.  I think that life is not about the self, it is about how you can affect the others around you to benefit the ones after you from the teaching of the ones before you.  However, having children and trying to instill some kind of semblance of your personal values, no matter how morally correct society deems them, is going to change a thing.  Let's, instead, try to advance life, so that others after us don't have to live this way that was never intended for us to suffer. Yes, technology is cool. It enables me to get online and share this point of view with readers who may or may not be there.  But, I was never meant to have this.  No car, computer, money, "job", two-story house,  HDTV, whatever...I wasn't supposed to have it. And neither were you.  And I am not talking about giving these things up.  I am talking about a change of mind set.  Not a willing refusal of things humanity has acquired through science, but a willing acceptance that there is a better way to live life than to stress over financials and acceptance and employment and concern for what your NEIGHBOR decides to worship as a god.  Just be people.  Coexist.    Recognize the man (or woman) driving past you or against traffic as a fellow human and show the same decency that you expect from the people you hold most dear and the people that feel the same about you.  Have some fraternity toward other humans.  Shed whatever piece of the :human condition" you have that drives you to compete with everyone you see and just accept life for life.
You are NOT your things.
You are NOT your belongings.
You are NOT your financial obligation or capability.
You are human.  Treat others the same way.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gautier's Day

I ponder why it is.  Why is it that things can’t just be standard things?  HD television, blu-rays, IMAX movie theaters, XM Satellite radio, hell…even HD radio.  How does that even work?  “Now, you can listen to music in 1080P!”  That just doesn’t make sense to me.  And people buy into that sort of thing?  Really?  What have we come to?  As a people, I mean.  So long as something sounds like an upgrade from the social norm, it has to be had.  Materialism is at an all-time high and the economy is at an all-time low.  Sure, the economy is trying to bounce back, whatever, but when it comes down to it; think of how much has been sacrificed in the sense of humanity having any kind of real meaning.  People becoming so debase that they place their personal value on how much U.S. tender they carry in their electronic bank accounts, and how high or low their collective credit scores are.  How sad a story and how dreary a picture.  Life wasn’t meant for this.  What happened to living for the sake of living? Playing for the sake of playing?  Art for Art’s sake?